01 July, 2007

Monthly calls update

HDFC target given 1910, high achieved 1916 intraday.
Rolta target given 464, high achieved 465 intraday.
Ultratech target given 856, achieved 859.60 intraday.
Ranbaxy target given 397, high achieved 401 intraday.
Chennai Petro ... we all know what it did once it broke 267, dont we ? hehehe
TCS buy above 1246 call, did not trigger.
Ind Hotel target given 150, achieved 154 intraday. Call still active for higher targets given with stops 148.
Megasoft target given 150, achieved 147.90 ... call in progress.
Prime Securities target given 79, high achieved 88.95.
Skumars target given 91-95, both achieved with a flourish.
Sasken stops triggered.
Tata Honeywell target given 2043, achieved 2174.90 ... call still in progress for higher targets of 2525.

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