11 December, 2006

DEC 11 2006


Anjum said...

What a day it was ! India decided to tread its own course once again ... across the board selling in Index stocks, with banks getting special hammering ! And what was the trigger behind this selloff ? Your guess is as good as mine ;-)
However, the interesting part was the Nifty close ... where it managed to close above the trendline after averaging at 3849.50, even though its LTP was outside the channel at 3822.35.
Which raises the question ... was this an engineered fall ?

Anjum said...

To add to the earlier comment, a similar channel on the sensex was breached today in all likelihood. Sensex needed to close above 13445 if I remember correctly .. will update later if there is any change. Do note that the LTP of sensex today was 13299 whereas the avergae close was 13399 !